Why Shoot Film?

Simply put, film just looks better. However, a good colorist can match a digital shot to analog material without bigger problems and advancements in technology just make that step easier. So why do so many people still shoot film?

Not having an infinite amount of takes and dealing with raw material, that needs to be handled with care requires concentration, not only from the camera department but from everyone on set. Shooting on film creates a special atmosphere on set, that digital just can’t provide. If everybody works better, the result will be better.

Also, even tough many colorist can match digital to analog footage, getting the look in camera and experimenting with different chemical processes just makes your post production faster. You get what you want!

What We Do?

We believe, that filming on analog material benefits everyone. However, due to the switch to digital cameras, a lot of the common knowledge about exposing film, maintaining the camera, directing with a filmcamera and much more was lost. As more and more filmmaker, especially Directors of Photography aim to shoot more on film, we believe, that this knowledge needs to be spread out again. Especially the knowledge about maintaining and using old filmcameras is important, as we have to deal with the limited amount of cameras that were produced in the past.

The Analog Filmmaker is a plattform for everyone to learn more about analog filmmaking, understanding the technical mechanisms involved and to get inspired by great productions. We want you to learn to think analog and enhance your creativity and thus become a better filmmaker.

Be part of shaping the future of ancient filmmaking-technics. Shoot film!

Become a Better Filmmaker

We are working on finishing our WIKI and are happy to bring a pre-release version of it to you, as soon as possible. In order to stay up to date, consider subscribing to our newsletter, in order to the first, to hear any news about the WIKI.

To help you become a better filmmaker, we provide you resources needed, to shoot on analog film and update you update industry news on our ever growing blog.

Oftentimes the best way to improve your filmmaking is to watch other filmmakers work and to be inspired. We aim to bring you one great production each month to inspire you and to start a discussion about visual elements and the evolution of filmmaking.


  • We also do not know where this journey will lead us. Lets build the future together.

  • Aiming to make everybody a better Filmmaker! Our wiki provides indepth knowledge about cameras and all the workflows involved with getting the old cameras ready to roll. Not only for ACs tho, also directors, producers and everyone else can learn a lot.

  • Contact us for help with your analog projects and recieve all the help till you are underway. We also have indepth knowledge about the chemical processing and post production workflow with film. Just hit us up.