Getting more people to shoot film requires a collective knowledge amongst everyone working in the film industry. The analog Filmmaker aims to teach the necessary skills needed to shoot on film and build a community among those, who are in love with film.

Creating a hub for all departments, from producing, over costume designers, to lights and camera, we want to provide everyone with the knowledge needed, to compel on a production on film! It is not as hard as you think, especially when you now, what to keep an eye out for.

We sat down to create a wiki to unify all of the necessary knowledge. Go ahead and read it.

Who We Are - Leander

“That niche knowledge needs to be out there! People need to know”. Heard on a shoot on 65mm film, Leander was inspired to start “THE ANALOG FILMMAKER”.

He started his filmmaking-journey as a camera technician, maintaining analog cameras and lenses. We went on to work on sets, as a lighting designer, but especially as a camera technician and assistant, working exclusively with analog cameras. He then joined a team to build and setup a new cinelab in Berlin, which taught him all about the chemical side of analog filmmaking.

The knowledge of shooting analog needs to be out there, so that as many people as possible can enjoy the fun of having the brown gold running through their camera.


It all began with a small idea. Many hours, coffees and good talks with friends later, the project was finally a thing! Help us to build a great community of filmmakers and evolve our learning program, and join us, as we continue to work on this project for all of us!

Contact us to find out, how you can support us.